I’d like to introduce to you a product line that is PERFECT for skills review – especially at the end of the year when the last thing your students want is to be handed a worksheet. These activities can be used either with dice {Roll to Solve} or a spinner which has been provided {Spin to Solve}. The math games can be played independently or with a partner – which is my favorite! Take a look at the various ways you can use these in your classroom.
You can find all of the ones I have available by CLICKING HERE. And stick around until the end of the post because you can get a free sample activity!
What are these activities?
Each pair needs a game board and one spinner or two number cubes. They take turns spinning the spinner or rolling the number cubes to determine which two fractions they will add, subtract, multiply or divide {this skill will vary based on the content of the set of cards}. A student worksheet has been included (whole page and two per page versions) – or you can simply have them use plain paper. Since each card focuses on a different version of a skill, differentiation is a BREEZE!
Use Them As Stations :
You know how much I love stations. I recommend laminating the cards on colorful paper and have each color belong to a specific station. For example : you can have the green station, blue station, yellow station, etc. Students would only need to travel with their answer page (or piece of paper if you’d rather them not use the provided answer sheet), a pencil and a calculator if you allow. For the Spin to Solve cards, I recommend printing the cards two per page and cutting them. You can then laminate each card onto a station page with a copy of the spinner. This not only preserves the Spin to Solve cards, but also the spinner!
Perfect in Interactive Notebooks :
By printing two cards per page (or four cards if you don’t mind them being small) you can have students cut out the cards and tape/glue them into their interactive notebooks. They can do the work directly on the page below each card. The Roll to Solve cards would work perfectly for this as individual practice using dice. If you opt to use the Spin to Solve cards, I would again recommend laminating the spinners.
Multi-Skill Practice :
Each card practices a single skill (e.g. Adding Fractions, Dividing Decimals, etc.) and sometimes you want your students to work on multiple skills at once – especially for review. What I suggest in this case is to print four cards per page and have students roll/spin to solve on one card, then work clockwise around the page to roll/spin to solve on the next card. By doing this, they rotate through skills. Again, laminate those papers so you can use them over and over again! You can actually laminate them two sided so you can preserve 8 different cards on one sheet of paper – WIN!
Another idea for multi skill practice is to use math operations dice and cover up the center of the card that tells students to add, subtract, multiply or divide. Students roll the operations dice to get the operation and then spin twice or roll two number cubes to get the columns to use for their problem!
Use as Task Cards :
Task cards are SO versatile. Printing two to four per page will give you multiple cards that students can use in a variety of ways! Need some task card ideas? Check out this post… or this one!
So, welcome to my new product line! I’m so excited about these because they can be made to fit just about any skill! The BEST news? If you own my grade level mega bundles or are a member of Absolute Access, you’ll get these for free! They are added to the grade level bundle for which they fit best! Be sure to follow me on TPT so you can get notified each time I post a new set!
Want to check out an activity for FREE?
Have a great day!
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