Planning is a struggle for many teachers. Sometimes you know exactly what you want to teach but have issues deciding when to fit it in, how to fit it all in and how to keep track of plans and stay organized.
Here are some tips and suggestions to help you plan like a pro!
Don’t re-invent the wheel
My biggest tip is to use templates to plan as to not re-invent the wheel each week/month. I kept my plans digitally (I hated teacher plan books) so I could easily access them year after year or when planning for a review in 8th, I could pull a lesson easily from 7th.
Be Simple!
Use a simple calendar (no need to get all fancy with the teacher planners and create a basic outline to grow from.
Work Backwards.
Start with what you want to assess and then work your way back to the lesson intro. This way, you always have the end goal in mind.
Checklists are life
Keep a checklist of the types of activities/resources you enjoy using so you can easily mark off which of those you have available for that skill (stations, digital resources, etc.)
Go Online!
There are many online planning tools available. Common Curriculum Planner is one that is great if you are a Common Core state!
Don’t stress.
Easier said than done, right? It doesn’t matter if you are a first year teacher or 30 year teacher. Planning can be stressful. Keep in mind that you ARE a professional. You KNOW what you need to do.
If you get stuck, ask for help! Even if you are the only math teacher in your school you can find amazing communities online full of teachers who are able to help you. Remember to give as much as you take. Teachers form one of the most powerful communities in the world in my opinion… the stronger the bond, the stronger the relationship, the better the student experience.
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